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Customer Restrictions Extension in Magento

Customer Restrictions Extension: The Failsafe Solution to Effective Organization of Your Magento Store

Promotions might help you gain traction, but personalization helps you win hearts!

For any eCommerce store, offering personalized content clusters helps in many ways. For the same reason, ‘customer group restriction’ becomes a must-try feature.

You can set permissions to display product X to one set of customers and enjoy the liberty to show product Y to another.

If this sounds like a powerful game plan for your eCommerce business, Customer Restrictions Extension is the perfect solution for you. 

How Does Magento 2 Customer Group Restrictions Extension Work?

With Magento 2 Customer Group Restrictions Extension, you can modify the visibility of products, catalog, CMS pages, product price, and payment and shipment methods for every customer group and set different catalog visibility restrictions. It lets you organize the customer base into different groups so that you can diversify the traffic of your store based on the requirements. Ultimately, it will help you boost sales and customer satisfaction. Here are a few highlighting features of MageDelight’s Customer Restriction Extension:

  • Allow people to access selected content by restricting customer groups
  • Conceal add to cart/wishlist/compare buttons or product prices
  • Take the visitors to 404 page or CMS
  • Feature to use an image or custom CMS block in place of the price
  • Display static blocks rather than the price
  • Assign different rules for every e-store or store view
  • Set minimum order value for different customer groups
  • Draft message for invalid order total or invalid amount
  • Include or exclude tax amount in minimum order total

Advantages of Restricting Products by Customer Groups

Customer Group Restrictions for Magento 2 is an immensely useful feature for every eCommerce store. Let’s take a look at all the benefits it has for users. 

  1. It helps the repeat customers set the purchase priority 

Establishing strong customer relationships has become as important as selling high quality products. The rising competition in the marketplace has compelled business owners to deliver value to the customers rather than discount offers.  

An effective way to assign the resources to particular customer groups is to use the product restriction feature. 

It helps with two things:

  • You can provide early access exclusively to wholesalers or loyal customers for products on huge discounts or those sold with wholesales.
  • You can build sales campaigns around the loyalty programs so that your loyal customers can buy the limited products before anyone else. 

Through this tactic, you will be able to impart a feeling of exclusivity to the customers, thereby building better relationships with them. 

  1. You can increase the reach to targeted customer groups

Irrespective of the size of your business, correct resource allocation is a vital aspect if you want to meet your conversion goals. 

Doing so serves several purposes, namely:

– It mitigates the risk of squandering money, time, and efforts on less qualified customer groups.

– It amplifies productivity by offering deep value to targeted groups.

Magento’s Customer Restriction Extension allows you to create multiple restriction rules to attract specific customer groups as per their shopping preferences. If you set the correct rules, these products will ensure a higher conversion rate. 

  1. You can share confidential information with specific customer groups

Quite often, you would want to display sensitive information like commission policy or product pricing exclusively to wholesalers and retailers. In such cases, you can use Customer Restriction Extension to hide this information from unauthorized individuals.   

  1. Customer Restriction Extension allows you to build a more effective sales strategy

Set the right permissions to provide access to particular categories. According to the shopping seasons, business situation, and sales strategies, store owners can tailor the stock quantities to cater to different customers. 

As an instance: You can target new customers with different promotions in comparison to the frequent shoppers. If you have launched a product that has high demand, you can allow access to existing customers and restrict visibility for new customers. 

  1. Granting exclusive access to customers will reinforce brand loyalty

When a company surpasses the customer expectations, you reinforce brand loyalty and enhance customer experience. Giving exclusive access to repeat customers will make them look forward to purchasing again and prevent them from going to the competitors. 

Pricing of Customer Group Restrictions Extension for Magento 2

Open Source (CE) : $199

Commerce on Prem (EE) : $399

Commerce Cloud (ECE) : $449

It will include:

Access to the source code: Lifetime

Free support: 90 days

Access to updates: 1 year

60% off on next year updates

30 day money back 

If you are looking for installation help in addition to the license, it will take an extra $49.

How to Configure Customer Group Restrictions for Magento 2?

To start with, get the Magento 2 Customer Group Restrictions Extension from MageDelight.

After completing the purchase, install the customer group restrictions extension. Then, follow the steps below.

  1. Login to the admin panel and go to Configuration from Group Restriction in the System option. 

  1. Next, expand the License Configuration and carry out these steps:

– In the Serial Key field, provide the serial key you have received through email when you purchased the extension

– In the Activation Key field, provide the activation key you have received through email

  1. Expand the General Configuration section and follow these steps:

  • In the Select Website field, select a store
  • Pick YES in the Enable Group Restriction field
  • Choose Home Page in the Redirect Forbidden Access to field
  • Click on the Save Config button to complete the process
  1. To add a new Group Restriction Rule, click on the Add New button from the Manage Group Restriction option in the Group Restriction from System option.

  1. Write a Title for the new restriction rule and select the store view and customer groups.

  1. Expand the Restrict Categories section and take the steps below:

  • Turn Restrict Categories button to NO if you don’t want to restrict any categories to customer groups in the store
  • Go to the Forbidden Categories field to pick categories that you want to restrict
  • In the Redirect Forbidden Categories Access To field, choose the Use Default option
  1. Expand the Restrict Products section and implement the steps below:

  • Choose Use Default option in the Redirect Forbidden Product Access To field
  • Select products you want to restrict to certain customer groups
  1. Navigate to Restrict Shipping Methods section and select a shipping method that you want to restrict from the Shipping Methods field

  1. Expand the Restrict Payment Methods section and select the payment methods you want to restrict for different customer groups from the Payment Methods field

  1. Expand the Minimum Order Value section and take the steps given below:

  • Provide the order amount in numeric value and set the minimum order value in the Order Amount field
  • Toggle to YES in the Include Tax to Amount field
  • Enter relevant text in the Description Message field
  • Toggle to NO in the Validate Each Address Separately in Multi-address Checkout field
  • Enter your message in the Multi-address Description Message field

Also Read: How to Configure Customer Group Restrictions Extension in Magento 2?

Summing it up

Magento’s Customer Restrictions Extension is a great solution to make your VIP customers feel special and generate more business from them. It effectively helps in building reward programs and offering discounts to certain customer groups. 

And the best part is we would love to help you out if you feel stuck while implementing the extension. 

Check our Front-end and back-end demos to explore more exciting features of our extension.

Also, you can refer this Magento 2 Customer Group Restrictions Extension’s FAQ Page for most common questions and it’s answers.

And if you need our professional assistance, feel free to contact us anytime.




A passionate writer and an avid explorer of ideas. With love for words and curiosity that knows no bounds, she has embarked on a journey of sharing her thoughts, insights, and experiences through the power of blogging. Her knowledge is the logarithmic result of her years of experience.