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Magento 2 GA4 Frequently Asked Questions | Google Analytics 4 with GTM FAQ

Does Magento 2 Support Google Analytics (GA4) ?
How do I add Google Analytics 4 to Magento 2?
How to integrate GA 4 with Magento 2 ?

Yes, Magento 2 supports Google Analytics (GA4). Magento 2 includes built-in support for Google Analytics, and you can easily set it up by going to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Google API in the Magento 2 Admin panel. In the “Google Analytics” section, you can enable Google Analytics and enter your Google Analytics Tracking ID.

If you want to use GA4 specifically, you can select “Use GA4” in the “Google Analytics” section and enter your GA4 Measurement ID.

Is GA4 replacing Google Analytics?
Why is Google Analytics 4 better than Universal Analytics?
Why is Google Analytics 4 better than Universal Analytics?
Why should I switch to GA4?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google Analytics, which was designed to provide more insights into the customer journey and help businesses better understand how people interact with their websites and apps. It is not replacing the previous version of Google Analytics, but rather it is intended to complement it and provide additional features and capabilities.

Google Analytics 4 is based on the same principles as the previous version, but it includes new features such as enhanced data collection, machine learning-powered insights, and more comprehensive reporting. It also includes integration with other Google products, such as Google Ads and Google BigQuery, which can provide even more insights into customer behavior and help businesses make more informed decisions.

Overall, Google Analytics 4 is intended to provide businesses with a more comprehensive and powerful tool for understanding and optimizing their online presence. It is not replacing the previous version of Google Analytics, but rather it is intended to be used alongside it to provide additional insights and capabilities.

How do I switch between UA and GA4?
How do I switch to GA4?

You can easily upgrade to GA4 by selecting the “GA4 Setup Assistant” button in your UA Property Settings. If you have implemented Universal Analytics with gtag.js, you can select the “Enable data collection” checkbox to carry over your baseline tagging settings. Any customizations you’ve made to gtag.js will not carry over.

Can I use both GA4 and Universal Analytics?

Yes, you can use both Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Universal Analytics (UA) in parallel on your website. However, it is not recommended to apply the data from both properties at the same time, as they quantify activity differently. Dual-tagging your website or app involves adding GA4 tracking alongside your existing UA tagging. You can either hardcode GA4 to all pages/screens or implement GA4 via a tag management system on all pages. It is important to note that you will have to create the Universal Analytics property and start collecting data there, as there is no data transfer from UA to GA4.

Does GA4 use datalayer?

Yes, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) uses the data layer to capture and track events and user data. The data layer is an object used by GTM and gtag.js to pass information to tags, including events and variables. It is an intermediary between the website and the tags, allowing them to communicate with each other. The data layer can also be used to send events such as product impressions, product clicks, and add/remove-from-cart events to GA4.

Which is better Google Analytics 4 or Universal Analytics?

It depends on the needs of your business. While Universal Analytics is a powerful and well-established tool, Google Analytics 4 is the latest version and has many advantages over its predecessor. GA4 is more user-focused and provides more insights into user behavior, while UA is more page-focused and provides more insights into page-level data. GA4 also allows for more customization of reports and offers a more comprehensive view of user behavior. Ultimately, it is best to use both Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics to get the most out of your data.

How to integrate GA 4 with Magento 2 ?
How setup GA4 in Magento 2 ?
How to enable eCommerce Tracking in Google Analytics 4 ?
Can I use both Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4?
How do I implement GA4 on my website?
Does GA4 have enhanced ecommerce?
Does GA4 have ecommerce tracking?

Yes, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has enhanced ecommerce tracking capabilities. GA4 tracks all kinds of customer activity as user events, including page views, sessions, product impressions, product clicks, and add/remove-from-cart events. It also provides a more comprehensive view into user behavior and allows for more customizable reports. GA4 also uses codeless event tracking, making data collection and reporting simpler.

To enable eCommerce tracking in Google Analytics 4, you will need to first enable the Enhanced Ecommerce feature in your Google Tag Manager. To do this, log in to your Google Tag Manager console and click on ‘Variables’ in the left-hand menu. Then, create a new DataLayer variable and name it ‘ecommerce’ or ‘transaction’. Once the variable is created, you can use it to collect eCommerce information from your website. After this is done, you will need to create a new tag in Google Tag Manager to send the purchase information to your Google Analytics account. To do this, click on Tags > New, then select Tag Configuration > Google Analytics: GA4 Event. In the Configuration Tag, select your Google Analytics 4 measurement ID (also known as web stream ID) and enter your DataLayer variable name (e.g. ecommerce or transaction). After this is done, save your tag and publish it to your website.

Don’t worry about GA4 Integration in your Magento eCommerce store. MageDelight has solved a hectic for you with its new and feature-rich GA4 Extension for your Magento eCommerce store. Check out the below link for Buy and setup GA 4 extension to enhance commerce tracking in your Magento 2 store.

Buy GA 4 Extension – Magento 2 Google Analytics 4 Extension 

GA 4 Configuration –  Configure GA4 Extension in Magento 2 with Enhance conversion

More FAQsMagento 2 GA4 with GTM Extension FAQs


Ankita Tanna

Ankita Tanna

Creative by soul; Ankita is the Sr. Content Writer at MageDelight. She has a profound interest in Content Marketing and advancements in the technology. She is an eCommerce evangelist who loves to share her insights on eCommerce. Apart from this, she enjoys her time reading or following the 'Netflix and Chill'!